Gary Taubes on why we get Fat

This last year I have paying much more attention to my health than ever before.  The biggest reason for this is because I have learned that the conventional views on health have turned out to be completely wrong.  Gary Taubes is the author of the book “Good calories, Bad Calories.”  It is an investigative work on nutritional science in the 20th century.  The video below is a brief summery of Gary Taubes overall work.  If you are a little overweight or have lack of energy, it would be a very good idea for you to read “Good Calories, Bad Calories.”  I believe it will be the most important book on nutrition in the 21st century.  It will mark the beginning of the tide being turned against the evil government food pyramid and the disastrous high carb, low fat diet.


Health is critical to liberty.  Taking meaningful real world action requires a physical body in optimal health. Anything less and you will not be performing at your best.  With mountains that the liberty movement has to climb, we can not afford anything less than our physical best.   I think this is already taking root with so many in the liberty movement changing to low carb diets like Judge Napalitano, Lew Rockwell, and Tom Woods.  Let keep this trend going.  Try a Primal diet, Paleo diet, Weston A. Price diet, or my favorite, a Ketogenic diet.  You will eat better than you have ever before and your body will transform into the physical specimen that nature intended.  It will change your life.


“Still Mine”, a movie about property rights

Liberty is not lost overnight.  It is lost in degrees. It fades slowly until one day people wake up realize that the land they own, the fruits of their labor, and the integrity of their person is not truly theirs.  Liberty is also lost in the name of safety and other noble ideas.  In the previews, “Still Mine” shows the determined effort of bureaucrats to stop a man from building on his own land.  This is the only thing that bureaucrats can do, stop action by free acting individuals through threat of force. That is their job, that is all regulation agencies do.  They reduce freedom.  They subjected the naturally free individual to the faceless, soulless bureaucracy.

I, for one, believe in the sacredness of property rights.  Actually, I know that these rights exist.  They are inherent in nature.   No man or government has the right to use force against any individual because they disagree with what that individual is doing with his property.

Below is a short film along the same lines.



NPR statist foolishly tries to take on true liberal Glenn Greenwald

NPR reminds me broadcasting during the age of FDR.  I enjoy listening to it. It is like time traveling through history to the socialist era of New Deal. It is just dripping with statism but at least there are polite about it unlike conservative talk radio.   I enjoyed this exchange because it demonstrated how the media prostates itself before state power.  The NPR reporter reveres the claims made by federal authorities and feels special because she has been allowed to glance at such supposed evidence provided by authorities.  What a perfect tool for the powers at be!  Instead of journalists trying to uncover and expose government crimes, they instead suck up to these bureaucratic parasites to get crumbs of information that is likely disinformation anyway.


The left has a lot to learn from Glenn Greenwald.  If they were smart they would turn off MSNBC foverver and just watch Glenn Greenwald on Youtube.