The Doom Vaccine Cometh

The most massive rollout of a vaccine in world history that was developed in only eight months.  What could go wrong?  Every Corona Vaccine ever attempted in the last 15 years has ended in horrible failure.  “Disease enhancement due to pathogenic priming” is what happens when the vaccine makes the person much more susceptible to future disease.  This process was discovered in vaccinated animals during previous Corona vaccine trials.  “More animals got the disease, got serious infections and more animals died.”    Conveniently for the present health dictatorship, this is not an issue because there were no animal studies.  


The problems with this Covid vaccine are too numerous to even name.  This is going to be the most dangerous vaccine ever administered in human history that will likely even change your very DNA.  The psychopaths running this lunatic freak show think that they are God and those who let man change their DNA that God gave them are already dead.  They have not soul or will left to fight.  They are already the automatons that this RNA vaccine likely seeks to create.  Humans 2.0 will just happen to be much more compliant after getting the vax.  Soon, humanity will be subject to a series vaccines, one after another, each one changing the human genome a little more.  Human beings’ genetic material will gradually be changed and programmed so that humanity will be permanently altered.  What will this dark future look like when everything that makes us human will be subject to the whims of dystopian governments?   I don’t know but I don’t think a dystopian horror book could do justice to the reality that they are trying to create.  


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