The Internet Mob rises and takes on the Big Banks

By Luke Jensen

The Robin Hood traders and their merry men are taking on the big hedge funds like never before in history.  Game Stop reached five hundred dollars today.  It was around ten last week.  These young autistic computer nerds and gamers are taking it to the Wall Street establishment.  The banks are always manipulating the markets, making money off of the people and getting huge bailouts from the government.  The people on the other hand wait for scraps to be passed down from the top.  Millions of people lost their jobs because of government shutdowns but the big businesses and Wall Street banks are doing better than ever.  Finally, the people are starting to realize that all this cultural warfare garbage is a waste of time.

The true story of America today is the same as countless other civilizations that have reached the peak of their power and descendance.   A small incredibly wealthy elite have taken all the levers over power from government to high finance and use their position to enrich themselves at the expense of the masses.  Now the good guys are striking back.  Young traders around the country and around the world are ganging up on the hedge funds and their irresponsible short positions and are fighting back.  Now the big hedge funds are going broke and the little guy is getting rich.  A number of rich billionaires have gone on TV to cry about how much money they are losing.  The mases are elated.  Nobody is hated more than the American political establishment.  This is the whole reason that Trump was elected in the first place.  The people wanted to stick to the political establishment.  Now we are seeing this again, this time on the financial side of the political elite.  I don’t think they will tolerate this.  I wonder what they are going to do?


Reddit Army


Rumor has they are going to target the silver miners next…

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