Face Masks do Nothing?

Danish Mask

Well, it looks like the mask skeptics have been right the whole time.  Denmark did a ground breaking study on whether masks work using thousands of test subjects and found that masks basically did nothing.  There was “no statistical difference” between the masked and unmasked populations.   Common sense, previous government pronouncements, OSHA, and prior studies also said the same thing, masks don’t work.  This was well known before the whole world went crazy like a bunch of hysterical women.  What we needed was a leader to tell the public to chill out.  Brazil has such a leader.



Some people may be suffering from cognitive dissonance.  After all, how could governments all around the world have been so wrong?  Why would they order the population to take ill advised medical advise?  Don’t they act according to “the science”?  Well my dear citizen, the problem is that you thought your government cared about you.  It feels nice to think that way but all evidence demonstrates that it is pretty much the opposite.  Some people would even say that these satanic globalists take a perverse fetish in humiliating the public and making whole populations suffer.  Since this is a moderate non-conspiracy website, I will not present such views here.  What we do know is that somehow every country seems to do the exact opposite of what would actually help their people.  Except for places like Sweden, Denmark, and Costa Rica who somehow dropped the ball on the globalist’s machinations. They are all doing great, no masks and record low infections.  Remember, the mask is a symbol, it is a symbol that you are slave.  Even the New York Times mocks you about it.  They admit that masks don’t do anything but that you have to wear them anyway.


Are things starting to click yet?  This is not about health.  This is about control.

More on the Danish Study Here

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