From National Security State to Biosecurity State

I think it should be clear that this scamdemic has been planned for a long time.  The science is in, no more people are dead this year than any other year.  All these lockdowns, mask mandates, and other infringements on the liberties of people all around the world have had no other purpose than to oppress the citizenry.  These infringements on liberty have nothing whatsoever to do with helping the global population.  Infact millions will likely die from these lockdowns.  Governments’ own hand books for pandemic response never in their most wild and dangerous scenarios ever considered lockdowns (previously a word only used for prisons) of entire populations.  Now lockdowns are ubiquitous.  All the while countries like Sweden (that never did any lockdown whatsoever) have the lowest death rates in Europe.  China is completely open and is having concerts with thousands of people attending with no masks.

China concert no lockdown

At the same time the supposedly “free” West continues down the path of totalitarianism. Western NATO countries led by the United States are doing the strictest lockdowns, all the while their economies are being intentionally destroyed and wealth is being moved to the very top.  The middle class is being wiped out, paving the way for a new economic system where everybody will “own nothing” but supposedly “be happy”.  To make this transition, Western governments need to dramatically reduce individual freedom.  This is what we are seeing now.   We are moving from a National Security State to a Biosecurity State


Top Microbiologist: Covid Vaccine Will Send You “To Your Doom”

I would not trust any “medicine” that will change my DNA and turn me into a GMO. I would not trust any vaccine that comes from companies that have no liability if they cause horrific damage. I especially would not trust a vaccine that is funded by somebody that openly states that vaccines are designed to depopulate the planet.

Well top microbiologists are sounding the warning as well. This vaccine is bound to be highly dangerous even according to those in mainstream medicine.  The media blackout on the risks of vaccination has been mindboggeling and the risks of this RNA vaccine are even worse.  Every once in a while something honest gets through.  When Fox News is not busy stabbing America in the back, they sometimes accidentally let the truth slip, as what happened with Laura Ingram on her show.  Top microbiologist from Germany, Dr Karina Reiss Ph.D.,  explains that the new vaccinations are highly dangerous and will send people “to their doom”.  After Laura Ingram heard this, she quickly realized that she was out of time and had to end the segment.



Maybe those who are planning to have the government inject mystery substances into themselves should do a little reading first. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t read and will likely suffer horrific damage from this new vaccine.

(Always remember who you are dealing with when it comes to vaccine companies)


Trump Lawyer Lin Wood says Trump Needs to Declare Martial Law to Avoid Civil War

I used to think that the media was just corrupt, that they simply were very one sided and avoided publishing info that would harm the American political establishment.  It turns out that they openly engage in treasonous activities against the American Republic.  The entire mainstream media and all the large tech companies are in the hands of sinister forces that want to destroy America.  There is no other way of looking at this now.  If this election is stolen, it is the end of the Republic as we know it.  America and the rest of the world will enter into a communistic technocratic neo-feudalist dark age.  We have to stand and fight here, otherwise resistance to leviathan will become much more difficult.

Lin Wood is one of Trump’s top attorney’s and has openly endorsed the use of martial law to subdue treasonous actors in this country.  Stealing an election is high treason, there is no doubt about that and the evidence keeps pouring in that the election was in fact stolen.  The entire media and big tech have been complicit.  It also appears that the CIA, FBI, and Justice Department have been complicit as well.  It is hoped for that many military unites and Special Operations Command are still in the hands of patriots but time will tell.  Lin Wood has endorsed Tump using martial law.  If the media is completely controlled by treasonous actors, I see little choice for the President to use the military to uphold their oath to defend the country from enemies both foriegn and domestic.






General Flynn Interview Censored

The globalists are on the march, desperately trying to surpress any alternative information on the election.  The corporate media is obviously controlled but the means at which big tech is censoring everyone is even blowing my mind.  YouTube channels that I used to watch are all gone and more are taken down daily.  Great researchers and people who love their country are taken down for “wrong think”.  I was always suspicious of Trump because he always seemed to compromise with the globalists but the extravagant means to which the NWO is trying to steal an election from him makes me feel that he is indeed a threat to the globalists.  It does not matter how high a person’s credentials are, how professional they are, or many facts they have, they will be censored if they question the Deep State’s agenda and right now that agenda is stealing the election and mass vaccinations. 

The general Flynn interview should be a top news story but it is being censored everywhere, so I am posting it again.

Remember, everyone who is involved in stealing this election is committing treason.  The Constitution is very clear about how treason is to be punished


Fact: Miltary Intelligence in UK using Psychological Warfare to Increase Vaccine Compliance

Comply citizen.  Your better know what is good for you.  So much so that Western governments are using military psychological warfare units to convince you to get the vaccine.  Nothing to worry about here.  It is for your own good. Very bad people are on the internet trying to convince the public that a totally unproven vaccine that changes your DNA is not completely safe. 


According to a report in the Sunday Times, ministers are preparing to launch a massive public information campaign to convince people to take the jab. Behind the scenes, however, the Times reported that the British Army has mobilized the 77th Brigade’s Defence Cultural Specialist Unit to monitor and counter “online propaganda against vaccines.”

The unit was formed in 2010 and worked alongside psychological operations teams in Afghanistan, studying the behavior of the civilian population and giving cultural and linguistic advice to ground troops, according to the brigade’s own website. However, according to a number of media reports, the unit counts at least one Twitter executive among its ranks, and is said to create and manage fake social media profiles to shape public opinion.

The media discovered that the 77th Brigade’s speciality, according to a plaque on the wall of its Berkshire base, is creating “behavioural change.”

With the rollout of a vaccine imminent, the unit is “already monitoring cyberspace for Covid-19 content and analysing how British citizens are being targeted online,” according to the Times.


Don’t worry that vaccine manufactures have absolutely zero liability if something goes wrong and health is harmed.  Vaccine manufactures obviously lobbied the government to remove liability because they care about you so much and know that their vaccines are completely safe.  After all, it is not like vaccine manufactures have ever done anything wrong.  


RED HOT! General Flynn Speaks Out About Stolen Election, Highly Cencored, Watch Before it is too Late!

YouTube and other big tech companies are taking this video down wherever they can find it.  The video embeded on this website is from a very small YouTube channel and is there for now but this may not last long.  People keep re-posting the video and it keeps getting deleted. If this video does not work on this website and you can not find it on YouTube, try Bitchute. I downloaded the video twice for posterity

Big Tech and the Deep State are doing all they can to censor this video which makes the video all the more interesting to the small percent of the rational public that still exists.   It is becoming more and more obvious that powerful forces are at work to prevent the public from being aware of what is going on.  This is all the more evidence that this is a highly coordinated election theft.  If people are not allowed to discuss whether and election is stolen or that fraud happened, then why would anybody believe what is being told to them?  The mere fact that they are censoring everyone who questions the mainstream narrative is evidence that there is something to hide.  

“What we are going through in this country should never happen and what we are going through is a crucible of history and if we do not correct what is happening right now in the next couple of weeks then I really hate to think what will happen to our country going forward…”

“I do not believe for a second that the country will accept Vice President Biden as the next President based on what we know as the greatest fraud that our country has ever experienced in our history.”

“The President has clear paths to victory.”

“I was asked today on a scale of 1 to 10 who will be our next president, I said 10 it will be Donald Trump”

“There is no dought in my mind that he (Trump) won the election in a landslide. Somewhere between 350 to 400 college electoral votes.”