Military Publication Deagal Predicts Massive Population Decline of the U.S. by 2025

I have known about this prediction for a few years and have been waiting for some more people to pick up on it.  Finally, Doug Casey did a short interview on the topic.  Doug Casey is famous in libertarian investor and adventurer who has traveled the world in such a way that he does not have to depend on any single government.  Doug Casey has written many books and his publication International Man is a wonderful resource on how to become free by living internationally.

Deagal is a military publication similar to Janes.

Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world’s nation-states. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population.”

Doug Casey goes on to say:

Deagel is in the same business as Jane’s—which has been in the business of analyzing weapons systems for many decades.

A look at the Deagel website, which is quite sophisticated, makes it clear we’re not dealing with some blogger concocting outrageous clickbait. It seems to be well-connected with defense contractors and government agencies like the CIA.

They’ve predicted that about 70% of the US population, and about the same percentage in Europe, is going to disappear by 2025. It’s hard to believe that anybody in their position would make a forecast like that. There’s no logical business reason for it, especially since it was done before the COVID hysteria gripped the world. It stretches a reader’s credulity.

Obviously 70% reduction in population of the United States would be the most significant event in modern history, probably all of history.  This would be much more massive than any war that the U.S. has fought where even the worst war, the Civil War claimed 2% of the population.  Even the horrors of World War II would not be on the same level.   Such an event would completely change the course of the world.  How and why a prestigious military publication makes such a prediction is hard to imagine.  This prediction was also made before the Covid “epidemic.”

Doug Casey continues:

There is one thing I question about Deagel’s statement that you quoted: “The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through something called the Great Reset.” That’s a very odd statement because the crisis isn’t extending the life of the dying economic system. It’s putting the final nail in its coffin. It would be nice to hear how they figure that out, as COVID seems to be medically vastly overblown. The Great Reset has nothing to do with preserving the current economic system; it’s about formalizing a new one.

Here’s a wild and crazy thought. What if the real problem isn’t so much the COVID virus itself.

What if the real problem is the new vaccines. What if, after X number of months or years, they turn out to have very deadly effects? There’s a reason new drugs are tested over a period of years, which is far from the case here. Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and numerous others who think they’re “elite” have long said that the earth’s population ought to be reduced radically, perhaps by 80%. Is it too shocking to believe that some group would take advantage of this to cull the human population? It’s something that would be hard to believe even in a science fiction novel. But it now appears to be technically feasible. History is replete—overrun, actually—with psychos who try to destroy everybody once they get in power.

I think this statement gets to the crux of the issue.  The event described, a massive population decline that would eliminate 70% of the population, this could only be done by disease.   No wars in history have had such an impact on the population though, diseases such as the Black Death or Small Pox has certainly come close to the same ball park.  The reader may respond that a atomic war could have such a high death rate and this may be true but it would seem to me that such a war would end with close to a 100% fatality rate.  I contend that Deagal somehow knows something that the public does not.  Either this is a massive troll, which seems unlikely, or Deagal is making predictions on some kind of insider information.

We are still very much in the dark about what the elite agenda is of the Covid hoax.  Obviously it had been planned for a long time as Event 201 and many other cases prove.  I think on the most optimistic level, the globalists might just be trying to create some kind of medical tyranny based on some kind of vaccine passport tracking system.  As sinister as this is, what if the real objective is much more sinister?  What if the plan is really mass depopulation?  We know the globalists are obsessed with population control.

We also know that there is absolutely zero evidence for the long term safety of the vaccines and strangely enough there were no animal trial done to study the safety of these vaccines.  Furthermore, all previous trials with mRNA vaccines has resulted in the death of all the animals in the trials.

So what does this all mean?  Is this vaccine specially designed to create some kind of horror situation of massive depopulation? This is not just wild eyed conspiracy thinking.  Many prestigious medical professionals are sounding the alarm including the former VP of Pfizer who absolutely does believe that the Covid scam in evidence intentions of something much more sinister of which depopulation is likely.

Time will tell, I will certainly not be getting this vaccine.  Bill Gates can go back to what ever gate of hell he is from.  I will have no part of it.

I highly suggest reading the full Doug Casey interview here.


Who Runs The World?

That is the question that everyone that gets deep into this field asks.  Obviously the world is not what it seems.  How has such a small group been able to wield so much power and yet at the same time has been able to avoid scrutiny?  How are the masses so in the dark about the real events in the world?

There has always been an “elite” that have controlled every society since Rome and before.  Some have been more beneficent to their populations than others.  I would argue that many times in Western Civilization that the controlling elite considered it their sacred duty to protect the masses of people.  Some of the founding generation of America were like this, such as Jefferson, who wanted a country of yeoman farmers. Others, such as Hamilton were more concerned with establishing and perpetuating a financial oligarchy.  Both sides have existed throughout the history of the West.  Those that seek to establish tyranny through financial means always do this in a secretive way.  After all, they are not using conquering armies, but financial means to enslave the public.  The public must be slowly goaded into a slumber in such a way that they do not realized that they are being enslaved by the banks and financial interests.

A large portion of American history is a struggle between the financial and banking interests and the public.  This can be seen when Andrew Jackson proudly went to war with the second bank of the United States.  Jackson correctly surmised that central banking would be used to financially enslave the population.  Banking, money, credit, and the financial system in general were topics of discussion throughout all Presidential elections going into the 20th century.  Williams Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech is one of the most famous speeches in American political history and is almost completely forgotten by the layman today.  Even the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1914 was written in a way to trick the public that the purpose was to reign in the banks, instead it created the worst monster that civilization had ever seen.  After WWI it was common knowledge that financial and banking interests benefited the most from the war and that these interests drove the United States to the European War that the U.S. had no legitimate interest in.  Many of the most prestigious academic scholars supported this view and won over the majority of the public.

After World War II everything changed.  The financial interests that were slowly but steadily reaching its claws throughout the American system finally became so entrenched that they could control the very narrative of the entire system.  For a silent coup to take place, for a subversion of the entire system to happen, certain steps must be taken.  Primarily those steps are the control of the media and control of academia.  After World War II, no longer was there any discussion of financial issues, and how a free society conducts its monetary system.  This was totally unlike all American history before.  To bring up that Gold and Silver as the only real money of free people and that the American Constitution expressly forbids the use of anything else.  To bring up such a topic was to be considered a crank.  After all, Communism was the new enemy (that the American Government funded and abetted even while knowing of the tens of millions of murders) and any deviant discussion from that fight might even be considered subversive.

After the Second World War we see the rise of the American Financial Empire.  To look at America as a country after this is almost missing the point.  America became merely a tool for the financial and banking interests. The banking interests do not gain power through conquering armies but through enslaving through debt.  The financial interests enjoy war because war brings them massive profits.  More debt the better.  Now every country in the world after WWII uses dollars and is trapped in the dollar system.  Any country that tries to get out of the dollar system is swiftly dealt with and destroyed.  This is what happened to Iraq in 2003 and Libya invasion in 2011.  Saddam Hussain wanted to sell oil in Euros and Gadaffi in Gold.  Well, that is simply not allowed under the New World Order banking empire.  The U.S. armed forces are merely the jackboot for the banking cartel.

Now we are witnessing the next stage of the banking and financial cartel.  This is the Covid hoax.  Not only is this hoax designed to cover up their crimes of financial evil but also create a new medical dictatorship to control the masses.  Obviously this is being pushed on the public “for their own protection”.  I should not have to remind the reader that this is always how liberty is lost.  The controllers never say what they are really about.  If the enemy is successful, we could really be entering into a new technocratic dark age but there are many hopefully signs of resistance emerging.  Time is not up on the clock and some of us still have fight left in us.  I, for one, will never take their vax.  I will die first.  The more people who resist the better.

Below is a introductory video of how the financial cartel works.  This video has a Dutch perspective and is produced by Covid Lie.


Dr Mercola, “The Truth about Covid 19”

I have followed Dr Mercola for many years and have found him right on about health.  For the longest time I saw him try to avoid the larger issues of WHY Americans have such horrible health and why do governments and corporations actively promote ill health.  For a while it seemed that Dr Mercola seemed to keep somewhat quiet about the subject and did not speculate on the motives of the government and multinational food corporations.  Now, with the Covid hoax, Dr Mercola has come out swinging.  There is no question that governments and pharmaceutical companies are actively trying to promote a very dangerous gene therapy as a “vaccine” for relatively benign virus.   Dr Mercola is no longer holding back, he goes right for the kill of the globalist’s conspiracy.

In the interview below, the great RFK Jr interviews Dr Mercola.  Two great men fighting for medical freedom for all.  Remember health does not come from a mysterious liquid injected under your skin from a big pharma syringe.  It comes from lifestyle and aligning yourself spiritually.  40% of Americans are obese and 70% of Americans are overweight.  Along with cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, Americans are the most unhealthy people on the planet.  That is the true pandemic.

Dr Mercola and RFK discuss the shadowy alliance between big pharma and big tech.

Dr Mercola’s Website can be found here and his book can be found here.

18 reasons not to get the Covid Vaccine

There is a lot of stuff going on in this world and it is hard to keep up.  I want to write about some of the insane action going on with the American Empire’s foreign policy but the killer vax is top priority no matter what.  Just read a great article, “18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine“.  Once again there is so much info it would be an injustice to do a summary.  It is a great way to introduce somebody who does not know what is going on to the risks of the Covid vax.  If somebody is on the fence, and assuming you care about them and don’t them to die, this would be a good article to send.  It sums up many of the points very neatly without going to far down the “conspiracy” rabbit whole which most people can not handle.  Obviously, the Covid fanatics will never listen to anything so there is no use talking to them at all.  Just say a little prayer for their souls (I guess) and move on to the people that might actually listen.  Every moment is precocious and there is no reason to waste them on people that blindly follow what they perceive to be authority.  Enjoy the world as much as you can and breathe a breath of fresh air because their are still Higher Powers at work in this Universe and they certainly not on the side of Bill Gates.

Epstien Gates photo


18 Reasons I won’t Be Getting A Covid Shot here

Dr Michael Yeaden Interview

The former Vice President of Pfizer is speaking out against government lies and deception on the Covid “epidemic”.  So naturally, Dr Yeaden is censored everywhere on the internet.   After all, we can’t have anybody question the official narrative, especially somebody with Dr Yeaden’s credentials.  Well, anyway, the reader gets the point.  We are in a full censorship reality and the dark forces behind the scenes are up to something really nasty.  If the former VP of Pfizer is begging healthy people not take this vaccine then maybe people should take a second look at the evidence.  This is probably one of the most important interviews posted on this site for a while and it should be listened to. There are so many points that are made it would be very hard to sum up in a brief synopsis.

Also note at the very end Dr Yeaden tells people to fight back politically and move to a country where they are vaccinating much slower.  Then he briefly states at the end that he is no longer staying in England, that he is moving out.  Food for thought.

Tucker’s Days Are Numbered

By Luke Jensen

I don’t see how Tucker Carlson is allowed to say this stuff on TV.  I don’t think that the powers at be are going to let him much longer.  I know that the power structure wants to control the opposition but it appears to me that Tucker Carlson is going way farther than controlled opposition.  If you wanted controlled opposition you would want somebody like Sean Hannity who is a total stooge for the establishment (supports every war and never attacks his own party from the right).  Tucker Carlson actually seems like he is an independent thinker.  That is why there is such a push to get him off the air.  There can be no more dissenting opinion in the American Empire.  After all, the pandemic has proved that we need our wise authorities to control the minds of the people otherwise the masses might see something subversive on the internet and will not trust their betters.

Tucker, keep up the fight, I hope if they take you down on Fox News that you can make an alternative outlet on the internet.

Musk Knows!

Well, Musk is not an idiot so of course he knows.  Unlike most of the establishment, he occasionally takes swipes at this crazy control system we are in.  On second thought, he really is not part of the establishment, he is new money, and unlike Bill Gates, Musk did not sell his soul to stop antitrust action and a fresh batch of adrenochrome.  It is still somewhat rare when Musk strikes out like this, and he deleted the tweet soon afterward.  It was also after midnight on the West Coast so he might have been drunk or high or something but either way, this is great.  I would not be surprised if the SEC starts going after Musk and Tesla after this.

Musk Gates meme

Notice Musk says that “this is actually happening”.

Even more interesting is the Musk actually edited the actual meme.  I will let the readers decide on the significance of that.

Gates meme origninal plannedemic

Covid Passport from the 10th circle of Hell

By Luke Jensen

I really don’t know how the masses think this is OK.  Obviously, this is the largest infringement on liberty and medical freedom of the 21st century.  The idea that we need to prove that we  have taken an experimental “vaccine” to regain basic liberties is absurd and evil.  According to the governments own numbers this virus has a 99.7% survival rate.   Also, just a reminder, this vaccine has not been approved in any country in the world except for emergency use (a term governments can use to absolve all blame when this goes wrong).  In addition, the vaccine companies themselves have zero liability if these vaccines damage people.  What other company has such license to hurt and kill people with zero liability?   Imagine if car companies had such protection or food companies?  Yet, I am supposed to think that injecting some kind of mystery substance into my arm pass all my natural immune barriers is somehow safer?  Especially when it some kind of experiment gene therapy that has always resulted in the catastrophic damage in previous trials?  If anything, the liability should much higher for companies creating such bizarre substances to be injected into the human body.  I remember when there used to be an actual push back against pharmaceutical companies in the political sphere, especially from the left.   Those days are long gone and now apparently pharmaceutical companies can write legislation.  Democrats of old would have at least pondered the idea that huge mega corporations lobbying congress to make their products mandatory for citizens to enjoy basic human rights is a conflict of interest of huge proportions, let alone all the other horrible precedents it sets.   But I digress.

As much as these vaccine passports are unethical and down right evil, what I have described is just the tip of the iceberg.  These passports are going to usher in a control system that the world has never seen.  It is hard to imagine what dystopia is coming with these passports. Below is a video of Naomi Wolf.  She used to be a big deal during the Bush administration.  She was a 4th wave feminist Democrat who talked about how the Bush administration was pushing America towards a police state.  She was right of course, even though I was blind to it at the time.  Once Obama came into power, all the left’s talk of civil liberties, anti war, and the surveillance state ended.  So Naomi Wolf was much less of a visual figure.  The TV only exists to promote the party line and division, never true discussion.  Apparently Naomi Wolf still thinks that the left cares about civil liberties and has been fighting against all this Covid stuff.  It is kind of sad for me to watch in way, people that stand by their convictions are rare in this world and I respect anybody on any side of the political spectrum that does so.  Unfortunately, the Mocking Bird cooperate media and big tech have sought to silence her.  Because there can be no dissent, even from the left.  Everyone must accept the role out of this medical tyranny or they will be silenced or worse  So good on Naomi Wolf, I commend her for her stand.  I hope some of the left listens but unfortunately it seems highly unlikely. If what she say is true, and I think it is very likely, these vaccine passports will bring a dystopian nightmare to this planet that will likely end with demons rising from cracks in the earth from the depths of hell. Or something like that.

The Covid Deception

By Luke Jensen

As the virus hoax keeps grinding on there are a few brave souls who speak out.  Most medical and pharmaceutical professionals keep quiet because their careers will be destroyed in a moment if they raise the slightest bit of objection to the COVID hoax.  Like I have said in many previous articles, it is obvious that this COVID plandemic has been planed for a long time.  The whole operation checks off many of the boxes that globalists have desired for many decades.  Now that the globalists have almost complete control of the media and the internet, they can crush almost any opposition (except those brave souls in Zone B).  The problem with the average American is that they can simply not believe that there could be such a powerful group in the world that could operate such a “grand conspiracy”, unfortunately history has proved repeatedly since WWII that such conspiracies do happen and are relatively easy to cover up when the media is completely controlled.  Not to belabor the point, below are a few examples.


Lying, deception, and mass killing have been part of parcel of all Western governments, especially the U.S., since World War II.  I hope readers have time to watch some of the above videos which are just mere introductions to some of the vast operations that governments have been involved in.  Today, the Covid operation is no different.  Right when it happened it was obvious to those who study the dark side of government actions that this was a set up.  Especially after seeing lie after lie and how the media covered the story in such a way as to obviously to instill fear into the population.  Unfortunately, most human beings are relatively mindless herd creatures that will listen to any authority, no matter how obvious the lies, twisting of the truth, and self contradictions.  Every since 2008 the whole financial system has been in a very precarious bubble fueled by central bank money printing.  I did not think that they had a way out and the whole thing would end in destruction in something akin to the worst economic depression in history.  Now, I realized that I was wrong, they did have a way out (a way to avoid blame anyway) though economic destruction is still coming.  That way out was the “dreaded” Covid-19.  In one fell swoop, all the economic time bombs that were about to explode in the world financial system were blamed on Covid-19.  In 2008 there were massive protests due to Wall Street financial bailouts but no more, now money can be printed without abandon and given to the politically connected while the middle class is wiped out.  The richest made trillions of dollars while the middle class lost their jobs and small businesses were shut down by the hundreds of thousands (and hardly anyone raises an eyebrow at this?).  The strangest part is how a large part of the population not only cheered on the economic destruction but mocked those who lives were destroyed.  Ignorant or not, there is a special place in Hades for such mindless vindictive rabble.  2020 and 2021 are merely the first stages of a psychological/economic warfare operation that will likely stretch years in the future.   So far the masses have proven that they will take almost any amount of abuse from their respective governments though, luckily, there do appear to a few signs of resistance.

Will it be enough?  At this point I am not sure but I try to be hopeful about it.  I do think those that can, should prepare as much as possible for the economic turmoil that is bound to come. I think opportunities to create a better system will come in the future but right now the central banking model is in the beginning of its death throws and if history is a guide, the coming catastrophe  will give rise to the worst sides of human nature. This is also a time when free humanity can rise and create a new future.  Time will tell and we are all actors in this great drama.  What each individual chooses to do may have great ramifications for the future.  We are not completely in their technocratic control system yet.  We have not yet been implanted with their 666 micro chips.  We still have some degree of freedom.  Now is the time to exercise that freedom and live like a human being with choice and agency.







Back from the Jungle

Being in the jungle for a month is a nice way to check out of this modern Covid Psyop. Nobody wears masks and the outside world is just far way.  Now I am out of the jungle and it is time to continue my travels, it is obvious that all this Covid nonsense is still going on.  Part of me wants to just check out and go on with my life.  After all, I know what I am doing and I am going to come out of this thing all right. If the masses are some dumb to still believe this claptrap after a year they deserve what is coming to them after all?  Though I somewhat agree with that statement, that the masses are so dumbed down they deserve what is going to happen to them, I still think it is important for posterity to get the truth out.  I don’t see much hope until after some sort of civilizational collapse but I suppose somebody might read this blog and take steps to protect themselves and their families.  I will try to focus on more solutions in the future but such interesting news keeps coming out about the absurdity of masks and lockdowns that I can’t really help posting some stuff about it.

Thanks for everybody who reads this blog and keep up the good fight.  There is always hope.  Outside the Western Democracies the rest of the world is going to do alright.  Western Europe and the US are likely going to go down into some kind of nightmare hellscape of medical marshal law as an excuse to control their respective populations with an iron grip after decades of fiscal and monetary mismanagement.  Likely the West will drag a number of their vassal states down with them. Keeping that in mind it is important to take note of countries that are resisting medical tyranny.  They could be safe harbors in the future when all is lost.  Ben Swann explains how one county refused to do lockdowns are mask mandates.  Will this former communist country become a new bastion for freedom?