Jeffery Epstein

Jeffery Epstein’s “suicide” is obviously not a suicide.  It is completely absurd that people believe the government’s story.  I remember when Epstein was arrested, I thought to my “There is no way they are going to suicide him, it would be just too obvious.”  Of course that is exactly what happened.  He was “suicided”.

The fact that this can happen and be covered up by the highest levels of the American federal government should give one pause.  This is the most high profile prisoner since Lee Harvey Oswald and interestingly enough.  Both end up dead in prison.  Some things can’t ever get out.  Neither Oswald or Epstein could ever be allowed to go to trial.

I used to say that the American establishment would always protect itself no matter what.  Though, what if the American establishment is not the American establishment.  What if America is ruled by a foreign power?  To go down further into that rabbit hole check this out.



Forgive Them?

I not sure if it reasonable to forgive these people after all the crimes and destruction that they have caused.  I don’t think that they want forgiveness.  Nobody has ever come up to me personally for their behavior and I think it very unlikely that they ever will.  All that being said it is not a good idea to hold onto anger for these people.  It will only damage yourself.  A sense of inner detachment or love of the universe is needed.  Maybe a love for their karmic and Taoist forces work through the universe, even through those people who want to hurt you.  There may be apperception for that.  I certainly don’t believe in some type of Christian forgiveness because that leads to the strange idea that one needs to just “turn the other cheek”, which is really a slave like reaction.  These people need to be resisted at all levels.  Anger is a healthy response.  It is natural for an organism to not want to be killed or abused and this is exactly what people in control are trying to do.  At the same time anger should not be an emotion that held on to, spiritually it is not healthy.  I am working on this too.  I think I have become better but I still have work to do.

It reminds me of the fear quote  from Dune.  Just replace the fear with anger.   At least the second half is right on with anger.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

Also the new Dune movie is horrible and I highly recommend not watching it.

I find the comments on this video very interesting.  I think people commenting are struggling with these questions of forgiveness as well.


How is Tucker Alive?

I really don’t get how Tucker is still alive.  At all.  Maybe the controllers believe that the masses are so complacent that they can let some truth get out.  Tucker is right on every point.  The CIA was responsible for the JFK assassination and was also responsible for getting rid of Nixon.  Nixon also knew that JFK was killed by CIA. Obviously the same people who ran the country back then run the country today.  There grip is even strong now.  Thanks Tucker.  You are true crusader on the side of truth.  I will send you as much good energy as I can.


For more on Nixon and JFK here is a great book.

The US Department of Defense is Being Exposed For Perpetrating the Covid-Crime Against Humanity

Is anything going to happen?  I don’t know.  Other crimes that the globalists have done are single events that are covered up and usually over time people forget about them.  A totally compliant media is also important.  The Covid vax seems like it might be different. It is crime that is ongoing because the deaths and injuries keep happening and the coverup has to be continuous.  No matter how much the media covers these things it seems likely that the truth may get out.  The body count will just get too high.  Then again the powers at be have managed to cover all there other crimes up and it is just a few crazy conspiracist theorists that actually know what is going on.  So we shall see,  I certainly don’t have faith in the masses but maybe there will be divine intervention?




WHO Sneak Attack with James Corbett

Why does the WHO exist?  This is what so called conspiracy theorists have been saying for years.  That national sovereignty will be given over to international organizations like the UN.  Now, the WHO is another organization.  These are private organizations controlled by scheming globalists but even it was controlled by nice people this is still a violation of national sovereignty and illegal.  Our good friend James Corbett explains with Dr Meryl Nass.


What are we Doing to “White” People?

Obviously, or maybe not to most, “white” people is stupid phase.  Just like brown, black, or yellow.  It makes people’s ethnic background insignificant and just uses skin color as definition.  It is a dehumanizing way to describe any race by its skin color.

The video below did surprise me at first because I did not think things were this bad already but this has been obviously coming for a long way off.  The globalists want to destroy the United States and the enslave the world.  How are such things done?  Divide and conquer, armies are no longer needed.  It is all about psychological warfare.  Anyway, things will get much worse before they get better.  A sense of detachment is needed and a deep spiritual perspective.  Only through a heart that deeply loves the universe can we approach this world with a detached spiritual purpose.


As a friend of mine says, breathe deep and seek peace.



Pilots EKGs are in the Danger Zone after Vax Rollout

This whole thing is absurd.  There is evidence of damage from these “vaccines” everywhere and our criminal media overs it up.  I have no idea what the masses think.  I have not talked to any normies in a long time.  I wonder how their minds work.  Especially those who took the vax and now all this evidence for damage is coming out.  I suppose most of them are in some state of denial or if they don’t see it on TV they just ignore it and chalk it up to conspiracy theorists.  The longer this has gone on it has become apparent to me that most people are capable of rational though or logical reasoning.  This is likely on purpose.  The whole goal is destroy a population psychologically or present facts in such way a that it confuses people.  When “experts” continually contradicts themselves it creates a condition in the mind of the masses where they give up and give all sovereignty and reasoning to whatever authority is telling them what to do.  There are many factors to this but one of the biggest is that the masses can’t imagine being lied to on such a mass scale.  I admit it was hard for me to accept as well but that was years ago and the evidence is all around us.  Eventually something has to get past the conditioning?  Right?  Well, I honestly don’t know


Pilots take EKGs to make sure they are healthy to fly.  It turns out that the parameters of widened after the roll out of the vax.  This means that pilots that were considered too dangerous to fly before can now fly.  This implies that more pilots will be having heart attacks during flights.  Why lower safety you may ask? Well, if the FAA told people that hundreds of pilots were ground because they have heart problems the whole nation would know that the vax is very dangerous.  Can’t have that so instead FAA just quietly expands the parameters of what is considered healthy.  Very clever, except some people did the research and figured it out.  Will public hear about this?  Not likely, the public is too easily distracted by the modern version of bread and circuses.

Steve Kirsch has done great work on this topic


Here is his full article on the topic